

A politico-cultural meet & greet experiment
moderated by Martin Baltscheit (Author) und Stefan Keim (cultural journalis)

29th May 18h
starts after "TO BREAK - The Window of Opportunity" at tanzhaus nrw

Go to the theatre - it?s the place many yearn to be! Um, who exactly? What?s the point of theatre - what is it anyway? Is it meant for me or can I do without it? Am I young enough or too young for it?

WESTWIND is breaking through the constant stream of excuses, steering clear of the traps that suppress voices from marginal groups and inviting everyone to an unconventional BURGERdinner. EVERYONE! That means theatre professionals and artists, interested audience members, theatre haters, cultural politicians, curious non-theatregoers, the "target group" of our target group-oriented theatre and anyone who has never been interested in children and youth theatre before. We?re inviting all of these people to come have a burger and gain insight into various other lifestyles, philosophies and experiences. What interests us? What do we like to do in our spare time? What do we think and want to talk about? Mixed seating at our dining tables - children, teenagers and adults - will help us strike up a conversation. We aim to relieve any fears we have of each other, question the premise of target group-oriented theatre and ask some difficult questions. What are our taboos? What has been made to appear so harmless that it is actually dangerous? Does target group-oriented theatre imply a certain amount of responsibility? What does our city require that theatre can give?

Welcome - open doors - open hearts - open mouths!

Application burgerdinner(at)